Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Going At It Alone...

Psalm 68:5-6
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families; he leads out the prisoners.

Parenting alone is one of the most difficult duties to undertake—I know this all too well. I’m not even going to lie, or sugarcoat it for you. At times, it was heartbreaking, tears and downright difficult. At other times, I did not even know where our next meal would come from. Occasionally, I allowed my girls to eat so that it would be full. Looking back, it was pride on SO many levels. Honestly, I was afraid of being rejected. Rejection is what comes on most single moms as a result of being heartbroken by their “man” or baby daddy (not all cases) it was for me. Side note: Like most women, I wanted the life of being a wife, mother successful & having a nice home. But I found myself settling apart from Christ—don’t be fooled, there is NO life apart from Jesus none, Period. That said,  I know that all I had to do was ask for help—but it was hard to reach out. In some sense, I felt it my punishment for going outside of what God intended for a family unit to be. But, thank GOD I know better  than that now. It's my hopes to share what I have learned with others so that them may know it too. I’ve had to learn that in my weakest moment, I was loved and chosen, no matter how things appeared. Another side note: you don't have to lower my standard to be accepted by someone that couldn’t love me outside of Christ. As a young single mom, I had so much to learn, but was too ashamed to reveal my true self. Mom, please know that you don't have to “go at it alone”, so to speak. It’s important to have sincere saints in your life, one's that will tell you the truth. And, ya’ll its’ also important to receive truth as love and not as an “attack”. Because, to see it as an attack is all  apart of the adversary''s plan to get one to believe that “they” are all “alone”--know this: Satan is a Lie! So, that old trick he used on me years ago is still being told today, dont' allow it to be used on you. There are still sincere people that will help. We have to trust again, even enough to be transparent. As apart of a loving church family ( that would have given anything to help me and my daughters) I stayed silent—but as the saying goes, “a closed mouth don’t’ get fed”. God knew that there would be single mommas, poor people (less fortunate) and widows (He still said come unto me) and then set into position, those that would help care for His precious ones in need. His unconditional love poured out for someone like me. He still said..." come and learn of me for I am meek and lowly of heart”. We were on his heart THEN, and Jesus is STILL concerned for the fatherless. In fact, his word declares in Ps. 68:6 that “God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land”. This tells me that there is a place for those who are fatherless, single moms and others. And he asks that we desire to become a part of His family and embrace those that are willing support—not a crutch, but to offer a hand where there are real needs. Let' be willing to say, to Him (and others) not in guilt or shame; “Lord, there is a need in my household, would you please make away”. I dare you to try it. He will do it. I know I’ve learned to make my request known to him through a personal relationship (where I've been mandated to grow up) and share with others how His developing love has changed my life.
As a single mom of three young girls (young adult now) I turned to Christ to meet every need…and, He did. Mom,  I want lie; I really had to get serious in my relationship with Jesus, and not only when my household was facing a life altering need. It wasn’t until I stopped “dipping” into the world and men to fulfill my need. Once I got serious in my relationship (and stopped gratifying my flesh i.e. sex outside of marriage) I discovered that Christ was there all alone to be all that I needed. He really did make a way for my daughters and I. My house (body and all) became a dwelling place for the Holy Ghost, and supernatural doors opened. Seriously. I invited Jesus to help in all areas—did I mention ALL. I know that no one should parent alone...so, it’s vital to join in and meet up with sincere Christians and those that will hold you accountable—There is safety in numbers. I know what it means to be Fathered by God, and Jesus' as my husband-it means to obey in all things. True love still waits. I Love you all and hope that we continue to be a beacon in this dark time—others are watching, especially the impressionable ones, our children. Love-N- Faith

Cassandra Roshelle @ Pink Precious Pearls

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